World Oceans Day
June 8th is the United Nations designated day to focus on our oceans and consider our own impact on then, both personally and as a species.
Making up 71% of our planet, oceans are key to survival of all living things, even those that don't reside in or around the sea. Here's a few ways the ocean impacts us every single day, no matter where we live.
The Air We Breathe
- More than half of our oxygen comes from the ocean
Regulating our Planet's temperature
- The ocean absorbs heat and sends it to the poles
Food & Medicine
- Did you realize that ingredients in many medicines (for cancer, alzheimers etc) are sourced from the ocean?
- 3.5 BILLION people depend on the ocean for their primary food

Though human activities like commercial fishing, runoff, carbon emissions, discarded fishing gear, chemical pollution, plastics and destructive fishing practices (like dredging) are the problem, we humans are also the SOLUTION.
Some ways to personally help :
- Choose only sustainable fish when purchasing (See the recommended list here: Monterey Bay Seafood Watch)
- Put trash in the proper bins, on and off the beach. Pick up other trash too!
- Try to avoid using plastic bags and other single use plastics at home.
- Recycle as much as you can.
- Vote for leaders with plans on improving our environment.
- Don't purchase products that exploit ocean life (in decoration, jewelry or souvenirs)
- Volunteer in community cleanups
- Share your love of the ocean and encourage others to be an ocean champion too!
Our Sea Collection directly gives back to 3 conservation initiatives that are helping our oceans. We are proud supporters of the following:
Hawksbill Sea Turtle: Sea Turtle Conservancy
Coral Reef: Coral Restoration Foundation