Almost every natural habitat on our planet is in peril. The most dire situations can be found in our rainforests, our oceans and the Arctic.

Here at Spirit Animals, we are starting with our oceans but our intention is to expand this collection to include most, if not all, threatened habitats.

Currently we are focusing on: 

  • Ocean Conservation with the Sea Star  
    • Our oceans are in a perilous time. Rising water temps, ocean acidification, overfishing, mass pollution, habitat destruction, commercial whaling and sadly, many more issues are destroying all our seas. 
    • We are committed to supporting the efforts of the Ocean Conservancy through sale of our Sea Star, a small way to buoy their efforts through awareness and donations. 
  • Coral Reef Restoration with the Coral 
    • The coral reefs give home to 25% of all marine life, making them one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. These "rainforest of the sea" protect coastlines by buffering waves, provide food sources for humans and play a vital role in sustainable underwater tourism (snorkeling/scuba). 
    • Coral bleaching events have been occurring in on massive scales, leaving completely barren, white skeletons of the reef, where no life can exist.
    • These events are caused by the rapid increase in ocean temperatures, due to human pollution causing greenhouse gases. At this rate, it is projected that by 2050, we will lose all our coral reefs and our world will be very severely affected.
    • We are committed to supporting the efforts of the Coral Restoration Foundation


Coming soon: Later in 2021, we will debut our next habitats. We aim to focus on  our rainforests and our chilliest destinations. Follow along to stay up to date with our next pieces on Instagram and our Newsletter.